Remove boldly.
Treat lightly.

Pico Laser : Meet the picosecond laser intentionally designed to work from the inside out.

The PicoWay® system delivers high peak power and ultra-short pulse durations for a photoacoustic effect that transforms skin from the inside out.With this remarkably innovative picosecond laser, you can:
• Significantly improve acne scar and wrinkles with a series of quick, 15- to 20- minute treatments, with low downtime.
• Treat benign pigmented lesions with 50% clearance after two treatments (96% of treated discolorations) across a range of skin types (Fitzpatrick Types II-V).
• Treat a wide range of tattoos. Even difficult-to-treat blue and green tattoos.

Here are four big reasons our patients are in love with PicoWay system:

Clinical evidence.

Studies have shown that PicoWay lasers can deliver:

Reduced acne scarring after just three treatments

igh rates of improvement in wrinkle appearance

A high rate of benign pigmented lesion clearance

Safe on skin types up to and including VI with little risk of post inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) which is common with other resurfacing methods


The PicoWay Resolve system uses a gentle approach to building new collagen and elastin in the treatment of acne scars and wrinkles.

Low to no downtime.

In brief, 15- to 20-minute treatment sessions, the PicoWay Resolve system transforms skin while leaving the epidermis intact.

Photoacoustic effect.

The PicoWay system’s photoacoustic effect, rather than photothermal effect, minimizes risk of skin heating and damage to surrounding tissue.

How the picoway system improved Tattoo Removal ?

June 17 2020
Tattoos are often thoughtful and artistic personal expressions. Unfortunately, they can also be rash decisions with a permanence that’s eventually regretted by their owners. Picosecond laser technology provides an effective removal tool for those who no longer care for their body art. A whopping 40% of millennials have a tattoo, and, according to a poll by Ipsos, approximately 30% of all Americans have at least one tattoo. This clearly represents a potentially massive client base. The laser system offers the most innovative laser tattoo removal technology. Compared with the nanosecond technology of the past, today’s ultra-fast picosecond laser removal technology offers less risk and pain for patients, faster results, works to remove a broader range of colors and requires fewer treatment sessions. “A lot of us are familiar with nanosecond technology, but there were limitations,” said Dr. Lesley Clark-Loeser, a co-founder of the Precision Skin Institute in Davie, Florida. “My limitations were that I couldn’t treat all skin types safely. I also couldn’t predict what was going to happen to skin texture over time in these patients. This is the first time I am seeing skin tone improve over time as a tattoo is disappearing.”

How it Works

The PicoWay system offers the shortest pulse durations of any aesthetic laser —one picosecond is equal to one trillionth of a second*. These extremely short laser pulses allow treatment across a broad range of skin types and darker skin tones. Less advanced lasers that offer longer nanosecond pulses create a photothermal effect, which can overheat melanin found in darker skin tones and cause scarring, hyperpigmentation, and hyperpigmentation. Also, the PicoWay system is the only picosecond platform with 4 wavelengths to address a wide range of tattoo colors, including difficult to remove blue and green tattoos. The PicoWay system delivers short, fast, and powerful pulses of targeted energy. This creates the primarily photoacoustic impact needed to fracture tattoo ink into minuscule particles. This is achieved without the photothermal impact of other lasers, which can overheat surrounding skin tissue—a stark contrast to the slower pulse speed of nanosecond laser technology.

Successful Treatment Overview

Before each session, tattoo removal clients should thoroughly clean and shave the area that will be treated. A topical anesthetic or cooling pack may be applied at the time of treatment. Treatments typically last just 15 to 30 minutes and can require multiple sessions spaced 6 to 16 weeks apart, depending on both the tattoo size and its complexity. After each session, the patient should keep the area clean and regularly apply sunblock to the area if going outdoors. Mild redness or itching may occur and typically lasts only for a few days. The technology surrounding tattoo removal has improved dramatically with picosecond lasers. The PicoWay system makes the procedure easier for both the practitioner and patient. * Based on manufacturer specifications, December 2019

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