Why To
Choose Candela?

Fastest Treatment by completing full body in about 45 Minutes Best Hair Clearance by 3 msec technology Dynamic cooling device with highest client satisfaction Effective on all Skin types FDA approved with highest safty profile

Laser Hair Removal Department Price List
One small area

full Bikini or Underarms or half legs for ladies

One small area

For Gentlmen

X4 Full Bikini
Full Bikini & Underarms

Package of 3 sessions on one area

Full Body
X4 Bikini +Underarms+ Half Legs

Total number of sessions it 4 only .All those parts has to be done togheter in one session .

X4 Sessions Full Body

Without front and Back

X6 Sessions Full Body

For Ladies only .

X4 Sessions Package

Full Bikini + Underarms + Half Legs +Face

Hair life cycle

Alexandrite & Nd:YAG laser wavelengths have high absorption on melanin, when laser is absorbed, the energy thermally damages bulge & bulb cells, these cells are responsible for hair growth and removing them prevents future hair regrowth.

The hair is rich in melanin & has a life cycle of 3 stages:

Anagen: this growing stage is the ideal target of laser hair removal, the hair is fully attached to the bulge & bulb cells which can be thermally damaged by burning the hair.

Catagen & Telogen: hair in this stage stops growing and is not attached to the bulge & bulb cells, hence burning hair by laser doesn’t remove bulge & bulb cells. These cells can be removed once the hair cycle returns to anagen stage, which explains the need for multiple sessions

Targeting melanin in hair

Hair removal lasers target melanin which is present in both hair & skin, hence a protection of skin from the thermal effect is needed. Hair removal lasers use different cooling technologies to cancel the thermal effect of laser & protect skin. Candela’s proprietary Dynamic Cooling Device (DCD) cools the skin precisely & consistently in a way that prevents under-cooling of skin that may cause burns, and over-cooling that may leak to hair itself & affect results.

Hair removal efficacy

Efficacy of hair removal necessitates using a pulse duration shorter than the Thermal Relaxation Time (TRT) of hair, when achieved, the hair gains temperature faster than its losing it till it reaches the burning point.

Efficacy Enabled By Safety

High Skin Protection Enabled By The DCD Allows The Usage Of ‘3 Msec’ …The Lowest Hair Removal Pulse Duration. This Fast Burning Of The Follicle Doesn’t Allow It To Cool Down & Therefore It Enables Effective Hair Removal Even For Thin Hairs.

Hair Reduction, Not Thinning

The Fast Burning Of Hair Under ‘3 Msec’ Fully Damages The Hair Follicle Stem Cells. Longer Pulse Durations In Other Lasers Partially Damages Hair Follicle Stem Cells Resulting In Regrowth Of Fine Hairs That Are Resistant To Lasers. Extra Treatmen

T Speed

The DCD Spray Instantly Evaporates & Cools The Skin. This Allows The Use Of High Repetition Rate Resulting In Faster Treatments Hence More Sessions Per Day. Other Cooling Types Obligate Using A Lower Repetition

Matches Small Areas

GentleLaser Comes With Nine Spot Sizes From 6-24 Mm, These Several Spot Size Choices Facilitate Matching The Size Of Different Areas Like The Bikini Line & Beard Shaping With Ease. Rate Due To Its Gradual Slow Cooling Rate.

The Cold Laser

The DCD Cooling Enables A Comfortable & Highly Safe Treatments That Has Become Known By Patients As “The Cold Laser”. Imdad Company UAE

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